tiistai 27. lokakuuta 2015

Herranen aika se elää

There's a reason she's alone, you can't pin her down because

No one needs her home, or needs her around she says "There's

beauty in the hills

a chip in the sky

So don't be sad because I roam It keeps me alive."

To impress her - it's too damn hard

To stay loyal without going too far

If I see her again promise I won't Cry

To impress her - it's too damn hard

To stay loyal without going too far

If I see her again promise I won't Cry

She wasn't back tonight

And I don't know about you

My money's on the night

It takes her away like I do

My charm is twinkling out of her eyes Of her eyes
She will never grow old, Or change her mind She'll talk about it later on

From seeing sights There's something wonderful and odd about the escape

And while you want them to be gone You want them to stay
To impress her it's just so damn hard

I want her back, please don't go too far

If I see her again promise I won't Cry

To impress her is just too damn hard

And I want her back but she's gone too far

If I see her again, promise I won't Cry​


Sellainen poikanen tälle kuulle sitten :D
Otsikko ei liity shoottiin vaan siihen et jumalauta mä tein sen. Kiitetän hieman Jesperiä (eläinpoika-asiaa) koska se autto mua valitteen ton biisin josta si tavallaa inspiroiduin.

Also voi herranjumala mikä laatu kuvissa
vois oikeesti tehä flickrin ettei tarvi näin paljoa itkeä shoottia tehdessä :DD

Mutta tota ei tässä mitään sen ihmeellisempää kerrottavaa kaiketi ole.. 
Paitsi että
uusi nukke on tulossa tilaukseen ens kuun puolella ja toivon niin kovasti, että saan sen kaunottaren minkä olen jo kauankin halunnut.

1 kommentti:

  1. hui homoja kuvia, sait sunjin pysymään pystyssä tosi nätisti noissa ekoissa ^^

    ja tee flickr, se autto mua ainaki ihan vitusti :DD
